So last night, I started rendering it down. I still have more to render, and will probably finish it up on Monday. All I did was put the fat in a large roaster and a small amount of water to get it started and slowly cooked it down. I added it to quarts jars. The jar will seal on their own as they start cooling down.
45 lbs of hog fat getting ready to go into a larger roaster.
In the roaster, I add a small of amount of water and I just let it cook slowly down. The slower you let it cook down more of a whiter color it will be and the faster you cook it will be darker in color.
In the picture above it is slowly cooking down. It will take a few hours, depending on how much you start with. I was up to 3 in the morning working on this batch, I should have started it earlier in the day. I would love to render some down over an open fire and see how it would turn out. I didn't save any of the cracklins from this batch. It was so late and I was ready for bed.
Here is the final results, 9 quarts and 1 pint and half jars.
I use lard in a lot different things. I use it in my pie crusts and biscuits. I love biscuits made with lard. They turn out so tender.